It’s a hat-trick!

I can’t quite believe it’s over a week since the swimming project took a bit of an unexpected turn. Two pools had always been part of the plan last Saturday, but en route to Newham Leisure Centre & thinking about the day ahead, which also involved a trip on the Emirates Airline, I realised I was going to end up south of the river & within striking distance of Greenwich.  A quick look at their pool timetable offered up the tantalising option of an early evening swim & my first three pools in one day extravaganza.

My Saturday mornings tend to be enjoyed at a fairly leisurely pace, quite often I don’t make it out of the house before midday.  However, having checked out pool timetables, with a bit of carefully timed travel, I could strike off the remaining two pools that fall in the ‘Active Newham’ group of  leisure centres.  First up, Newham Leisure Centre where I had to be in & out by 11.30 in order to make it to the the 12 – 1pm lane swim at East Ham Leisure Centre.  It turns out that I find it easier to get up & out of the house to go swimming than I do to go to work when I find endless things to faff with – funny that.

Lunch with Allan was already arranged for 2pm & I realised that if Di was home, perhaps she could be tempted out for a post pool bite to eat in Greenwich, she was and so ensued a swimming & eating social Saturday!  I was busy whatsapping Di pictures of Newham leisure centre at 10.36, the plan was on track.  The bonus factor here turned out to be the malfunction of the recently installed automated entry system which resulted in a free swim – that’s what happens when you remove human interaction from a transaction, I couldn’t even pay a receptionist had I wanted to, I was clearly happy to take the free swim! A very standard pool, if a little tired, with a sole lane roped off for those wanting to swim lengths & the rest of the pool chopped up into a slightly ad hoc arrangement of areas for different lessons & general swimming.

I was efficiently in & out & soon back on a bus bound for East Ham Leisure Centre.  I liked the ‘Sam the Snail’ signs in this borough.  I also liked the reminder of my East End location when I spotted Nathan’s Pies & Eels shop from the top deck of the bus.  The shop window that really took the biscuit however was Herbmedic – they’ve got a remedy for everything it seems! Newham Town Hall was also very impressive & it turned out that East Ham Leisure Centre was tucked away round the back of it.

I had been looking forward to East Ham Leisure Centre, predominantly for the unusual faux rock decor I’d seen on the website – it didn’t disappoint.  The automation of leisure centres is clearly a borough-wide initiative, the malfunction however was not, I had to pay here!  Although my timing was remarkably well on track, I hadn’t really factored in eating/drinking time & thus ensued a mild panic about running out of steam mid-swim.  Problem solved however by scoffing an emergency boiled egg in the changing cubicle, classy!  I was irritated by the locker token system, primarily because I didn’t become aware of it until I’d eaten my egg, changed & had everything carefully balanced & poised for stowing, at which point I had to schlep back out to find the token dispenser at reception.  Once in the pool though, irritations fade into the background & the calm rhythm of swimming takes over.  I was dithering about whether to take the slow or medium lane at which point some chap in the medium lane asked if I was a good swimmer, I admitted I wasn’t & he suggested I stay in the slow lane!  On another occasion this would have incentivised me into the medium lane to prove some sort of point, but I was on planet tolerant & simply set off leisurely down the slow lane.  Four lengths later he commented, ‘but you are a good swimmer, you can come in this lane if you want’!  First time I’ve been told I’m a good swimmer, I stayed put!

From East Ham I was back on a bus & bound for Beckton DLR & this is where other aspects of the project make me happy, I caught a completely unexpected & wonderful view of the Shard which just seemed to be perfectly lined up with a particular side road i glanced down.  Then the bus crossed the Greenway, I’ve cycled along the Greenway but pre-pools & so wouldn’t have been looking out for local Leisure Centres!  Up & over on the Emirates Airline – excellent views of London, I’m sure it is just a massive vanity project in terms of transport, but it’s a very enjoyable way to cross the river.

And so to the Greenwich Centre.  This pool has opened since I started the project.  I’m also sure that as a consequence of this one opening, the Arches Leisure Centre, which I swam in back in May with Diana & is just up the road, has closed. What the Arches lacked for in the modernity stakes the Greenwich Centre has more than tried to make up for and it was a good swim – although having to pick between which of two cold wet swimming costumes to put on was a bit of a Hobson’s choice!  Overall though, it’s another fairly identikit modern pool, it was shiny & clean & quiet – three good things in a pool for sure, but it had none of the character & charm of the Arches, no faded murals or old school changing cubicles lining the pool here, but obviously there was a changing village!  However, for 38 of my 40 lengths I had the slow lane to myself & I was chuffed to have done 3 pools & 3km in one day, I was a happy swimmer.   The obvious question now though is where & how to fit 4 pools into an outing…I’m looking forward to it already.






It’s a hat-trick!

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